Crossroads & Turning Points


Life is full of moments that challenge us to make decisions and changes—those turning points and crossroads that shape our journey. As a therapist, I’ve seen how these pivotal moments can be distressing and transformative for my clients. 

Those who hear their souls calling find a way out of their darkness by discovering their light. 

These times often bring about enormous emotional overwhelm and external desperation in searching for signs and answers. 

The “dark night of the soul” is the eruption your life needs. Only when you emerge from the other side do you realise how necessary it was. 

No one likes pain. Also, the safety of going through the motions on the treadmill has an expiration date. Life feels bland this way. 

Wake-up calls are truly hard going. You feel an immense sense of desperation, health issues arise, and life can become unbearable. When a soul breakdown occurs in your life, an intense sense of meaninglessness can follow. Nothing in life makes sense anymore, and you cannot find purpose in anything you do. What you have achieved and where you were heading in life that once gave you so much joy and meaning before your world collapsed no longer matters.

See, you can’t go against your soul’s calling. You can but will always face challenges, lack of purpose, poor health, or career dissatisfaction.

The mainstream medical model calls this a state of depression. 

Let’s call it for what it is – a suppression of unexpressed emotions. And we do it to keep our inner child safe by not speaking up when we need to. 

We spend our lives serving others and surrounded by people who condition us. We don’t rock the boat because we are taught about set roles from a young age that are culturally appropriate, or we have not unpacked the painful grief or trauma experienced throughout our lives. 

It eventually becomes all too much, and the effort to keep all of the dark emotions buried deep inside, even with the help of prescribed anti-depressants, causes a leakage, and an uprising of emotions begins to make its way to the surface.

The “dark night of the soul” is like experiencing death or disintegrating everything once known. What dies off and is released are the attachments, heavy expectations, and burdens we have unconsciously carried for generations. It is only then that we have the capacity to hear what the heart wants, what it is crying out for.

In the silence and stillness, we discover our light. 

This is a rebirth and our spiritual awakening. 

The road of personal reconciliation and delving into who you are is a profound and emotional journey of self-discovery necessary if you choose to live authentically and experience fulfilling and intimate relationships. 

Through this sacred journey back to yourself, you rediscover the inner light that lies deep inside you. When you surrender, your visions reveal the answers to your questions.

If you have reached a turning point in your life and deeply know that you are worthy of more, you are reminded to face your truth. Through life-altering inner work, remembering why you came here, new pathways will appear, and life becomes reshaped with more depth and a new kind of meaning like never before.

I work with individuals who are ready for transformative change. When you engage in therapy with me, I take you on a journey into the unchartered territories within yourself – places that have remained dormant or concealed for a reason. Within the safety of our therapeutic space, you will untangle dysfunctional patterns, illuminate the dynamics of your family system, gain insight into your attachments, and unravel perplexing health issues.