The essential traits of a truly authentic woman.


The essential traits of a truly authentic woman

Being genuine should never be something you have to learn about. You just are. It’s the rare trait of a woman who is unapologetic for who she is and lives her life according to her barometer and not by the rules and expectations of others. She exudes power and confidence, is a joy to be around, and feels authentic. She makes you feel warm and safe when you are by her side. Admired by many and a challenge for some, she pulls many people towards her. 

 So, what’s her secret?


She earns attention rather than chasing it down. This kind of woman walks into a room and owns all parts of herself. She listens and is fully engaged when interacting with others and accepts that she may not be everybody’s cup of tea or for the faint-hearted, and that’s ok. She’s comfortable in her body with all of its flaws and imperfections. She values her uniqueness and admires this in others too. She’s not afraid to show her vulnerability and oozes compassion and empathy.


She brings her mind, body, and soul into the present time and connects fully with her breath. To be embodied, she lives to her highest potential and delights in the rewards of being loving, on purpose, and the wise woman she was born to be. It is her natural way of being. She is deeply in flow and understands how we are all connected. She releases old cellular memories, blocks, and heaviness by activating her life force. She accesses the endless supply of yin energy through herself, the earth, and from being with other embodied women. 


She treats all beings in her life and the Higher Order with dignity. Right or wrong, good or bad, doesn’t affect her consciousness. Alignment of values is essential to her, so she can quite happily let things go and continue walking her path. She takes full responsibility for her life and her actions and becomes empowered. Remaining stuck, blaming, or avoiding gives her health issues; her true nature is to be in the flow. 

She has faced her biggest fears and demons, experienced extreme stress or trauma, and dug deep to find her hidden resources and creative potential.


She visits her feelings often and checks in with the why and how they present to her. She does not fear delving deep and asking herself questions about what she needs to draw in or let go of. Shameful secrets haunt her, so she does not bury and forget. She searches and discovers the parts which need remembering, shifting, and healing. 

The power of her thoughts reflects the life she manifests. The journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening becomes her way of life. 


This woman wields her sword and has the power to discriminate and cut away any illusions, darkness, negativity, ignorance, or expectations that keep her small, limited, and voiceless. Ruthless compassion is required to use her sword, which she delivers when necessary for the highest good of all, strengthening her soul’s power, purpose, and abilities. Each time she needs to use it to set boundaries, she grows and connects deeper to divine power. Her sword protects her, especially when she forgets why she is here or tolerates too much suffering. Hence, change comes swiftly. 

The sword leads her into greatness through the darkness of the soul. She discovers her light only through her most profound surrender of ego.  


Her inner world runs deep for her. Her worthiness is a primary monitor of her success. She trusts herself enough to do what’s best and knows who or what she needs to walk away from when her worth is compromised. She’s entirely in control of her life and understands that success follows the sooner she lets go of unhealthy beliefs and forms new ones. If she continues to do what she has always done in a specific area of her life, she cannot reap the rewards. She reminds herself at the root of every success or failure she has ever had lies her self-esteem. It continually drives her to live a whole and satisfying life.


She believes in destiny and the importance of completely surrendering to how her life will unfold. Resistance is futile. She no longer desperately holds on to structures that do not sustain her spirit and lives without entanglements. Creative projects or the ideal relationship can take time to transpire and form. She’s patient. 

Some days feel heavy and confusing. Living with the all-encompassing feminine emotions isn’t alarming; it’s just part of being a woman, and she knows that all feelings if expressed fully, will pass. 

She honours her Mother and Father, as she wouldn’t be here without them, and accepts her rightful place in her family of origin. 


By tapping into her courage, she gets tested. She pushes through personal, family, and cultural boundaries by stepping into her greatness and finding her voice. Standing out from the crowd can be challenging as she forges ahead, away from a mediocre life. She gets up and rises with more determination when she falls. Obstacles become her challenge and not her enemy. She chooses courage over comfort to stay integral and is a soft-hearted warrior. To open her heart fully, she learns to activate her body, feel less restrained and enjoy unlimited sex.