Personal growth


When is it too much and how to find the balance

Delving into personal growth is for the brave and virtuous.

Self-improvement is the place we are propelled to seek after suffering acute pain, heartbreak, disappointment, betrayal, or feeling invisible, to name a few. We long to make meaningful connections and feel a sense of belonging. 

Exceptional personal growth workshops enhance people’s lives, bring perspective to complicated situations, transform the lost and lonely, realign those in crisis, soften the skeptics, and provide a platform for like-minded souls in which lifelong friendships are formed.

A journey deep into the mind and soul, we discover our inner child running amuck and hurting. We dust her off and give her a hefty dose of self-love, sort through and clean up some trauma and dysfunctional patterns and give the unconscious mind some much-needed attention. Then, life starts to change for the better after reaching self-acceptance. 

Why, then, do some declare with conviction how much they are committed to their growth, never seem to change and show up falsely and demonstrate to the world they have it all together. It’s disembodiment that leads to incongruence. 

 Tick-a-boxers or growth junkies addicted to the next workshop or seminar lack grounded confidence and fear rumbling with vulnerability.   

Often this environment becomes an escape, safe haven, or cover for addressing what is happening. Constant preaching about morality, honour, and sovereignty, while moral corruption, imposters, and perversion are apparent.   

Some people become obsessed with self-improvement under the guise of serving others, and it fills a significant void in their lives. 

Continuously supporting others can distract a person from creating their ideal life. This causes uncertainty, and waiting for the next workshop to roll around cultivates artificial meaning in their life. 

Put simply, it’s a church for die-hard growth addicts. 

They become big fish in a small pond. 

The shadow ego runs the show, and living and adapting to the real world without grandiosity becomes frightening.  

Think of Personal Growth Workshops as vehicles. You get on when needed and then jump off once you gain the tools and enriched learnings to start living a purposeful and successful life. 

Drain your swamp. Release the people who live in drama and gossip and thrive on hanging off the coattails of the ambitious.

Bless them from afar.

Positive change can make some people uncomfortable when a person rises out of the trenches and leave others behind. Walk alongside those who display integrity, humility, and reverence and away from those who idolise self-development gurus.

 Overusing growth jargon language is a sign that someone aches for acknowledgment and significance and is trying to play you. It’s brainwashing camouflaged as personal growth. Aware people see through the facade and respond more favourably when communication feels and sounds genuine. 

 By sharing your most authentic self with the world and discovering your unique passion and purpose, you experience the spiritual practice of true belonging.

Growth is not a quick fix or something to be fast-tracked or overconsumed; it is a profoundly personal journey that unfolds through time, lived experiences, and daring to lead your own life.