Understanding the profound effect that EMI therapy has on improving your relationships, health and wellbeing.
A type of therapy I use every day in my practice is EMI; Emotional Mind Integration. The founder of this incredible therapy is Yildiz Sethi, under whom I have had the great fortune to train.
To understand the profound effect that EMI therapy has on improving your relationships, health and wellbeing, as well as understanding epigenetics and why this kind of therapy is effective for addressing sexual abuse, please read my conversation-interview with Yildiz below.
How is Emotional Mind Integration (EMI) better than any other therapy you have used?
Yildiz: EMI is a really concise safe way of working with really deep issues in a way that goes from the symptom then straight to the core of it and you follow a pathway to resourcing it, making it safe for a person. We then clear it up completely and integrate it all within a session. It’s a very brief, deep, and thoroughly effective way of working. The other thing I like about EMI is it ranges across many different areas of life from triggers, mental health issues, depression, anxiety, panic disorders, defensiveness, sabotage patterns, and even your health. Sometimes we’ve got a disturbance inside us that is making us ill, and if we clear this up, our health improves as well.
Can couples benefit from this type of therapy?
Yildiz: Yes, they can. With couples, each person has their own issues coming up from their own family of origin, which plays out unconsciously in the relationship. Often a person will pick somebody that represents something in their own family, and the other person will do the same, and while those systemic patterns are playing out between the couple, it’s really hard for them to see what’s going on between them. So yes, working with each person separately to sort out their own systemic issues and their own triggers is incredibly helpful. Bringing them back together again is a lot easier to talk about behaviour or communication or set something up that they both really want. This provides more clarity, and fewer sessions are required, which is really good.
We hear the word epigenetics being used a lot now. Could you explain what that term actually means and how it relates to this type of therapy you work with?
Yildiz: Genetics is science research that’s come up a lot over recent years. We pass down traumas and disturbances from one generation to another, which is true of plants and animals, and very much human beings. Our DNA is lying in an environment of disturbances, and if the disturbances don’t shift, they can have the effect of turning on a particularly negative DNA pattern such as an illness or a mental health issue. However, if we clear away the disturbances from the environment around the DNA, the DNA never gets switched on at all; that’s ideal. By clearing up the environment of trauma disturbances and emotional turmoil, the DNA will run more smoothly and doesn’t get switched into diseases. I have been a constellation practitioner for many years, and we’ve always known this to be the case because when you clear something up, it’s amazing how a person suddenly gets better.
Epigenetics is backing up what Constellators have been experiencing for a long time, so it’s great to see epigenetics coming into the field, as it makes the work of a Constellator more credible and valid. Previously, it was very easy for people to say, “ Oh, it’s all a bit woo-woo or alternative and not real.” Nowadays, with scientific research to back it up, we actually get to see the results of how epigenetics really does have an impact. The good thing about working epigenetically, it gives us back control. It’s not just about DNA and taking the approach if you come from a family of this. Therefore, you’ll definitely get that. There’s a question mark about whether you’re susceptible or not because we can do a lot to clear the emotional components around the DNA. And perhaps you might never inherit what was carried through your family.
Many people come to therapy seeking support from sexual abuse. How does this type of therapy help?
Yildiz: We see a lot of sexual abuse as it is a very common trauma. Sexual abuse often starts in the family system, and people who often experience sexual abuse come from a family where there is sexual abuse, so it’s systemic. That’s one side, and then if you experience it in your own life as an individual man or woman, the trauma can lie in your body and cause havoc, make you panic, make you not trusting, so the work that we do here is incredibly helpful. Family Constellations can help a person clear up the systemic genetic or epigenetic pattern, and then we help the person with EMI to clear away the trauma that’s trapped in their bodies and mind. So, allowing new neural pathways and networks to grow is incredibly helpful, effective, and short. It doesn’t take long for this to happen, so this type of therapy doesn’t require many sessions, about three. I run a New Dawn Recovery From Sexual Abuse clinic, and pretty much everybody I see is finished by three or fewer sessions.
About Yildiz Sethi
Yildiz has been teaching personal development and transformational programmes since 2005. She holds a Master of Counselling, is a clinical hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, Family Constellations facilitator and trainer, and has worked privately with thousands of clients in personal coaching and development sessions. Yildiz has founded two psychotherapies; Rapid Core Healing and Emotional Mind Integration and is the author of two number one Amazon bestseller books: Stardust on the Spiritual Path and Be Rich AND Spiritual and Rapid Core Healing.